Tag Archive for: NinjaTrader customization

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NinjaTrader 7 uses a GridControl to let the user modify strategy or indicator properties. Properties marked with certain tags will be shown automatically in the Grid.
[Description("Numbers of bars used for calculations")]
public int Period {
    get {return iPeriod;} 
    set {iPeriod = Math.Max(1, value);}
It is possible to hide parameters in the GridControl dynamically. For supporting  this feature the strategy has to implement the interface ICustomTypeDescriptor. The property which allows to modify the visibility of other properties in the GridControl has to get additionally the tag RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All). Finally the function ModifyProperties implements the visibility handling.
public class tF_TestAnn : Strategy, ICustomTypeDescriptor
        [Description("ANN trade mode.")]
        public  ENAnnMode AnnMode { get; set; }
        private void ModifyProperties(PropertyDescriptorCollection col)
            if( AnnMode != ENAnnMode.Backtest )
                col.Remove(col.Find("NetType", true));
            if( AnnMode != ENAnnMode.Live )
                col.Remove(col.Find("BuyLevel", true));

        public AttributeCollection GetAttributes()
            return TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(GetType());

        public string GetClassName()
            return TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(GetType());

        public string GetComponentName()
            return TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName(GetType());

        public TypeConverter GetConverter()
            return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(GetType());

        public EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent()
            return TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent(GetType());

        public PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty()
            return TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty(GetType());

        public object GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
            return TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(GetType(), editorBaseType);

        public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes)
            return TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(GetType(), attributes);

        public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents()
            return TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(GetType());

        public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
            PropertyDescriptorCollection orig = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(GetType(), attributes);
            PropertyDescriptor[] arr = new PropertyDescriptor[orig.Count];
            orig.CopyTo(arr, 0);
            PropertyDescriptorCollection col = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(arr);

            return col;


        public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties()
            return TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(GetType());

        public object GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd)
            return this;
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If you are planning to run your strategy within a chart window and your strategy requires an asynchronous execution or event, you can trigger this via dynamic buttons in the tool bar of the chart window.

In the code below the creation of the buttons and the event handler is implemented in a separate class. CStripButton is created in the OnStartUp context and disposed in the OnTermination context. A button click calls a callback implemented in the strategy class.

public class CStripButton
    private ToolStrip           toolStrip           = null;
    private ToolStripButton     toolStripBtnA       = null;
    private ToolStripButton     toolStripBtnB       = null;
    private ToolStripSeparator  toolStripSeparator  = null;

    private Strategy            clStrategy;
    private StripButtonCallback fnCallback;        

    public CStripButton( Strategy _clStrategy, StripButtonCallback _fnCallback )
        clStrategy = _clStrategy;
        fnCallback = _fnCallback;
        System.Windows.Forms.Control[] control =
  _clStrategy.ChartControl.Controls.Find( "tsrTool", false );
        if( control.Length > 0 )
            toolStrip = (ToolStrip)control[0];

            toolStripSeparator              = new ToolStripSeparator();
            toolStrip.Items.Add( toolStripSeparator );

            toolStripBtnA                = new ToolStripButton( "btnA" );
            toolStripBtnA.Text           = "Button A";
            toolStripBtnA.Click         += btnClick;
            toolStrip.Items.Add( toolStripBtnA );

            toolStripBtnB                = new ToolStripButton( "btnB" );
            toolStripBtnB.Text           = "Button B";
            toolStripBtnB.Click         += btnClick;
            toolStrip.Items.Add( toolStripBtnB );

    /// <summary>
    /// Destructor.
    /// </summary>
    public void Dispose()
        if( toolStrip != null )
            toolStrip.Items.Remove( toolStripSeparator );
            toolStrip.Items.Remove( toolStripBtnA );
            toolStrip.Items.Remove( toolStripBtnB );
    /// <summary>
    /// Button click handler.
    /// </summary>
    private void btnClick( object sender, EventArgs e )
        if( MessageBox.Show( 
             "Are you sure you want to continue?", 
             "Button pressed", 
             MessageBoxIcon.Question ) != DialogResult.Yes )

        var _bak = toolStripBtnTrain.BackColor;
        toolStripBtnTrain.BackColor = Color.Green;

        fnCallback( sender.ToString() );
        toolStripBtnTrain.BackColor = _bak;