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No Recommendations
Tradefab Technologies LLC (“Tradefab”) does not recommend the purchase or sale of any security.
Tradefab does not sell securities to the public nor does it carry customer accounts. All trades are made in the company accounts. Tradefab offers for sale a software to assist in making trades for others to use.
Intellectual Property
The contents of this website – including trademarks, logos, photos, quotations, and other written descriptions should not be used without our prior written consent. The Tradefab name and logo are trademarks of Tradefab Technologies LLC. Other trademarks and logos are owned by their respective owners and should not be used without their consent.
Third-Party Web Sites
This site may include links to other websites as a convenience. We do not make any express or implied warranties with regard to the information, material, products, or services that are contained on or accessible through linked sites.
Privacy Policy
We do not collect personally identifiable information from users accessing our website, unless they send us email. If you send us email, we may add you to our contact database, and you consent to being included in any email distribution lists we may use in the future. Additionally, if you purchase our software, we may add you to our contact database, and you consent to being included in any email distribution lists we may use in the future.